My, my, what a time to be alive in the universe! What a time to know and have the treasures of heaven resident within! What a time to be involved in the work of the Lord!
Back in the late 1980's and early 1990's there was this major thrust to pray for and be willing to lay ones life down to serve in what is know as the 10/40 window of countries absolutely closed to the Gospel of Jesus. Here we are today, and from within in several of these countries there is revolution taking place; not only a revolution for freedom from autocratic rule, but also freedom to receive the gospel many have given their lives to bring to such a needy group. We pray that as countries start shaking from the inside there will be openness to the person of Jesus Christ and what He did for humankind. What a time to be in service of the Kingdom!
For the Carr Family, it is truly a time to celebrate the goodness of Jesus, as our son Simeon has celebrated his fifth birthday on the Missionary field.
This time is very exciting for him because now he is a big boy; more so, it seems his energy level has exploded. I see why many of the boys especially in the US are on ridlin or some other psychotic drug. They are off the hook. We love him dearly and are proud of his efforts in school to read, learn his numbers and work on puzzles. His favorite pass time is slashing the grass and working in the gardens. Nevertheless, keeps his eye open for any opportunity to sneak off with dad to the farm or on errands.
Miss Salome, aka SaSa, is loved by everybody and knows it; she uses this position to manipulate getting her way in everything. Recently, she has really come of age in school especially, writing stories, reading incessantly computing and completing assignments on time. If given her way, she would complete her mathematics all in one day. Coloring books do not stand a chance with her because she is the "Artist" and will color an entire coloring book in one sitting.
The first picture says it all. Those two make the perfect Latina, absolutely connected at the hip. She is a great kid!
Everyone thinks Genesis and Amber Leigh are twins, but they are not. However, they can't help doing the same things activities wise. GEM and Amber are doing well. Pictures really do say a thousand words. These are photos our two eldest at their first swim meet and it is a milestone for them, having started swimming when they were three and two shows how far they have gone in their swimming. This meet was in a 25-meter pool, but the following day GEM was invited to swim in a gala in a 50-meter pool. She swam breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke. Amber also swims the breaststroke as well as, freestyle. They are also making steady progress in their music training.
The proud parents of these great kids are thanking God everyday of life, health, breath and strength to continue following His plan and His leading. In fact, when you read this update Vicky will be celebrating her birthday. That day is a national holiday in the Carr household. It is hoped that the Dominican cake is just the way she likes it and that the love and gifts from the children will make being a mother, wife and friend worth the 12 years of her labor and love. Please join our family in wishing the one we love and depend on so much a very happy birthday.
At the farm, Kakabalika Child Foundation, the Ministry of Education has just inspected the facilities built last year for school and has given the okay to begin school as we put together the exhaustive school registration application. We are still in need of constructing boys and girls water closets close to the school; as well as, purchase furniture and materials but we are certain that this is the time and everything will fall into its proper place. It also turns out that of the three teachers selected, two were approved to begin and this is definitely a step in the right direction because teacher scrutiny is quite high so we were privilege to get two out of three. The ones was looking forward to the change are the boys who currently clock about five miles roundtrip to the current school they attend. This change will also enable the care team to manage the boy's time more effectively, planning activities and various schedules that have been previously dictated by the morning and afternoon public school system.
The construction of a pig run has also been completed to assist the work in becoming self-sufficient. In addition to adding pigs, the workers on the ground hope to start raising chickens again for sale and for consumption in the homes. The tractor donated by the Cork Church in Ireland has been a true blessing to the ministry in providing plowing and disking to the KCF farm but has also served as an income generating tool in plowing and disking many of the neighbor farms. Right now Maize and string beans are on the ground as we have come off six months or more of providing tomatoes to hotels, grocery stores and marketers. God truly has blessed this work in many ways and it is a blessing for our family to be able to help in some small way. To God be the glory.
Provision of funds that our family will be able to take furlough after 2.5 years on the field
Continued health and safety of our families
Provision of donors to the KCF work: church, private, business, NGO's and Government
God to raise new supports for the Carr family
Wisdom, creativity and favor with God and man
Thank you for your notes and updates, we are grateful in being part of your lives as you ours.