Oct 8, 2011

God is for you

by Vicky Carr
Looking back over the past few months, I've noticed that God is in the process of doing something new in our family.  If you take a look back down memory lane with us, you'll notice that we've had a trying year.  Warren had a motorcycle accident that although it could've been worse still left some lasting effects on our family.  There have been other things in ministering that have given us reason to doubt and despair at times.  Like Paul we can say that we have despaired even unto the point of death.   In all those times we have chosen like David to trust the Lord and wait for Him to move on our behalf.  As I sit here in a quiet and still place I can hear God calling me even closer to Him.  I've sang the song many times, "Just a closer walk with thee.  Grant it Jesus 'tis my plea.  Daily walking close to thee,  let it be, dear Lord let it be!"
I am beginning to realize that with every higher call from Christ comes stronger trials.  The more I desire to know Him deeper and better, the harder it gets in the physical realm.  God is calling us closer but there is a price to pay.  As missionaries who spent the last two years seeking God's face (with like minded friends) and wanting His Spirit to fall fresh on us, we've noticed that every single one of us has experienced such hard trials that at times it's been hard to just breathe.  At those moments, it has been His breath that has given us life and hope.  As a group we've faced financial difficulties, family trials (with or without adoptive children), we have struggled in our marriages, friendships have been strained and even lost, we faced misunderstandings in our ministries, etc.  There have been many times that we've faced such  strong demonic oppression that we could feel Satan himself next to us.  It has been in all those times that God picked us up and carried us through.  It has at times been a very subtle lifting and at others a very real and noticeable one.  So why am I saying all this?  Well, because I know that trying times are upon us again and if we dwell on them without looking back at what we've been through, we'll sink into utter despair.  We were given faithfulness journal last year by some dear missionary friends and it was to serve as a reminder on how faithful God truly has been. 
I had a vision the other night that I'll share with you.  Warren and I were somewhere, maybe at church, we were called to step onto a platform.  We did it without hesitation.  As we stepped forward though, we noticed we were the only ones on the platform that were  being separated from the rest.  I had this clear impression from the Lord after the experience that He was saying, "this is the life you have chosen;  a life that hears the call and steps forward to it."  You know, I believe that that happened to all of the families whom were meeting to go deeper with God on February 15th 2010, and those who joined us later.  God is calling a people to come closer and to experience Him in a way that will allow Him to lead.  Many people will not understand.  As I encourage myself in the Lord, would you allow me to encourage you also?  Times are hard and for many it will be for a while.  Are we willing to trust Him with our everything and let Him lead us to high places?
I'm sorry if I'm too forward  or too spiritual, but I know that God is doing something in our family that's not just for us.  He has really spoken to us and wants to take us where we haven't been before.  Be encouraged, if God is for us, no one can be against us.
We love you all and we're praying for you.