I know you may be asking where I’m going with this, but just
stick with me for a moment. We have made
some life changing decisions lately that were preceded by some very hard
trials. God has allowed these circumstances in our life that I believe have
been designed to take us into a deeper level with him. They have been fashioned
to take us places we would never think of going on our own. I was listening to myself pray the other day
and I had to stop right in the middle of it because, it was beginning sound
like a broken record. I was saying
again, “Oh Lord please help my mind to be at peace. Help my heart to settle and believe you are
doing something in this situation.” It was as if God was sitting next to me
staring me in the face saying, “Really Vicky, I have been with you so long and
you still don’t get me?” I was like, “Huh?” He said, “Didn’t I give you a word
already? Are you going to live by it or are you going to let it sit next to you
and not grab it for what it’s worth?” I was stunned because I remembered
exactly what he had spoken to me before. He had said, “Let there be light”
Period. And here I was, on this rollercoaster ride of emotions just because
things didn’t turn out the way I expected them to. I was going to believe the
word was for me only when things went well, as soon as things started to turn
sour then no. Why? Simply because in my finite thinking only good can come to
me and I was forgetting that rain falls on both the just and the unjust alike. I was forgetting that when (my
interpretation) the three Hebrew boys were confronted for their disrespectful behavior
toward the King, they chose the word God spoke to them above all else. They told the king, Hey listen, I know you’re
the king and all, but we are not going to hold back and do what you want us to
do above the instruction that was given to us by our God and King. Sorry, but even
if we die, WE WILL NOT BOW.
I have to segue here for a moment because if you’re like me
you’ve read this and I’m not sure you get the picture. I am Spanish and elders and people in
authority have to be respected and honored no matter what. I also live in a society where youngsters are
taught the same, honor and respect your elders and those in authority. No
questions asked. The “because I said so” motto.
Well, these three Hebrew boys were in the same situation. They were going against what had been taught
to them since they were born. Honor your
elders and those in authority; not to mention they were slaves, they had no
choice, no opinion. Their lives were
going to be on the line regardless, they knew that. It didn’t matter to them
one bit though, because they had also been taught something else from their
infancy, to honor God and not bow before none other but Him.
So, we’re back in Babylon… Here is king Nebuchadnezzar in
front of these little people who dared not only disobey him but also had the
audacity to talk so liberally to him and say, “We don’t care what you do to us,
we’re not bowing.” My goodness, he got so mad his face turned different colors
and contorted into different forms. He
was furious! (I don’t think anyone had ever spoken so to him before) How dare
these good for nothing slaves talk to me like that? Who do they think they
are? I’ll show them! He made the flame
in that pit so hot it killed the guards who were putting the boys in. Sometimes when we barbequed, the flame gets
too close to the food and it burns your fingers a bit, it’s time to do
something otherwise the food will burn. Well, the flames were a million ti mes
hotter than that, it was meant to kill and kill it did, just not the boys. They
trusted the spoken word of God over the threat and were blessed for it.
You know every day it is as if threats are spoken to
me. Sadly though, some days I give in
and heaviness hangs over me like a blanket. Other days, it’s gone. The next day
it comes back. It’s as if this thing has
become my friend and has free access to me whenever it feels like. Yesterday, when I was praying, God stopped me
and asked if I was done. I was stunned. He had given me a word and I had just
taken it for that day and brought back my friend “despair” the next day instead. How foolish of me! Here is the universe maker and star breather
giving me light instead of darkness and I put it to the side. God forgive
me! I have decided to hold on to my word
like those three Hebrew boys. When I get
a threat to bow to despair, discouragement, loneliness, depression, anything
other than my Jesus, I will just have to say, “NO.” Sorry but I don’t really
care what you say devil, “I’m not budging.” In Jesus’ name! This darkness is no
longer my friend since I do have a friend who sticks closer than a brother, Jesus
is His name. Some trials are meant to be
our friend because they are meant to teach us things that otherwise we would
not learn, but I believe when they have done their duty, they have to go packing.