Jan 30, 2014

The Word of God is Alive and Active

"For the Word of  God is alive and powerful. It is sharpest than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermonst thoughts and desires." Hebrews 4:12 NLT

I have read over and over again but I was challenged to study it this week and God brought something to my attention, an observation. The verse says that the Word of God is alive and active. Good, but how. As I thought of it another verse came to mind, John 1:1

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

There it is, "the Word was God," the Word is God who made everything in the beginning and is alive today piercing thru every thought of evil and fleshly motive I have. Jesus, is the Word, He is is alive and active. He conquered the grave and is piercing through the darkness I face everyday.

Another thought, came to me as I was meditating in this passage. You know how, every time we are low, at least for me, I usually go to the Word. I either read a passage in Psalms or Isaiah, without fail, my countenance changes. Why? Because the Word is alive and active! 

Anytime, my children need discipline, I have a Wise Words for Moms booklet and app that helps me bring them back on track. All it is is scripture that helps them see God as the boss and not me. It always helps, why? Because the Word is alive, Jesus is alive and active. He cuts through the sin that besets us.

Every time I pick up my Bible, I am in essence "picking up" Jesus. Now, that is something! It brings my Bible reading to a whole new level! I will no longer be reading to fulfill some Bible reading plan. I will now be reading because it is my devotion to my God. I will be embracing Jesus, beholding Jesus. What an amazing thought! What a wonderful Savior! He really thought of everything! I am so challenged and provoked.  I pray you are too.

Jan 20, 2014

So much to say, so little time!

So much has happened since we joined Family Legacy this past August. I will do my best to catch you guys up. It will take a few posts so keep checking the blog.  

Family Legacy is a ministry that reaches to the vulnerable and orphaned children in Lusaka. There are many facets to the ministry such as CAMP life, Father's Heart which includes the Lifeway Christian Academies and Father's Family. Warren is the Father's Family program manager,  which is the residential program, Tree of Life Children's Village is the biggest of these facility. There are over 400 children in this program. We are so excited and humbled that God would see fit to have us serve His dearly beloved children. One of the things the Family Legacy team does for these children is run a week long camp called DREAM Camp. During this time, the children at Tree of Life are able to identify their non-conventional skills.  Since August, we've been able to see the faces of so many of these children dream of what they will become because of the opportunity that God has granted them in taking them out of their vulnerable places.

 My mom and sister were visiting this past December and were able to enjoy the children as we visited them during DREAM Camp.

Here is my sister with her new friend, George. He is one of the many that God has redeemed and is changing his future. 

Talking about a new future, one of the aspects of the ministry is that people get together and raise funds to build these little ones a new home. There are 35 homes each housing 12 boys or girls at the village right now. So many are able to put together their few loaves and fish and watch as God multiplies it. It just takes an obedient heart and an able Father in heaven.

Here is the President of Family Legacy, Greer Kendall praying over the new girls who were joining the village at the opening of "Rapha House". I love the names picked for these homes, names such as Hallelujah House and Freedom House and Glory House. Names that speak of a new beginning. Names that never speak of the past and the failures.  A new home signifying a new beginning is built where these beautiful children can DREAM...