Dec 4, 2011

An Invitation to Join Us

Merry Christmas!

Four years ago our family began serving God through two ministries of Reverend Reuben Sambo in Zambia; Rivers of Joy Fellowship Church and Kakabalika Child Foundation,, the boys home you all know. Thank you again for being a part of this work. We have been left speechless as we reflect on God’s work in our family and His work in Zambia over these past few years.

To celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary, Vicky, the children and I boarded a 747 jet liner to the USA for furlough. Our agenda was simply: rest. This time also included a missionary debriefing that revealed the depth of our exhaustion and will hopefully include seeing many of you. Finally, we are re-building financial support for our return trip to Zambia.

The children are now 10, 9, 7 and 5. GEM is counting down the minutes to becoming a teenager; a transitional age which is teaching all of us about growth. Gem is not only growing physically but God is truly expanding her heart of worship. Amber Leigh, our second born provides laughter, encouragement and optimism for every situation in the family. She and Salome are neck and neck in the competition for princess of the year. Salome (Sasa) is a vibrant and dynamic part of our family because she knows how to entertain herself, is hardly involved in sibling rivalry and knows how to make friends with everyone. Simi-boy can run and rough-house with the best of them, but at the same time is very thoughtful of others. They are growing so fast and we are delighted to be stewards of their young lives. God truly is amazing.

When Kakabalika Child Foundation opened its doors in November 2006 there were 15 boys from the streets. Since that time, almost 50 boys came through the center to experience the love and hope expressed through the outreach and care teams. The years produced tears and laughter, victory from pain, freedom from fear and addictions, and times of acceptance, significance and stability. At first, many of them struggled with English, now many confidently communicate, sing, write and read English. God so favors them! The 28 boys currently in residence are thriving mentally, physically and spiritually and are the joy of campus. Many of you who have visited know the boys are a fantastic blessing!

The school is a new addition at the KCF farm. For two and a half years it has been in progress and in May, the doors of the four room school house were opened! Literacy is one of the areas most lacking in the public schools.The KCF boys generally trail far behind their peers especially due to their life circumstances. The Kakabalika Trust School was created to provide quality, affordable and engaging education. There were three teachers employed as well as a volunteer PhD in English. The first term at Kakabalika Trust School produced story writers and tellers, poets, singers and actors. There were even those who memorized whole chapters from the Psalms! The greatest visible improvements were when reading levels jumped two to three grade levels in two short months. This is the realization of the national’s dream. Thank you for helping make this a reality!

We’ve seen God sustain and provide during times of need and given us enough to share in times of plenty. In Zambia, costs for many daily necessities are inflated, but our total living expenses comes out to $4000/month; that's $48,000/year for a family of six. In a couple months we will return to Zambia. Please continue or consider supporting our family. Whether a monthly contribution which helps us budget our finances or one-time gifts as you are led, all contribute equally to this work.

One-time donations will assist with the purchase of the following items:

· Car tires

· Refrigerator

· Clothes Dryer (this will help kill putsy fly larvae laid on clothing that likes imbedding into the skin)

· Lap Top

· Zambian Language Class
· Farming God’s Way Training

The Scriptures talk about David, when he went out to battle. There were also those who stayed behind to 'look after the home front', but David was always careful to share the spoils equally when he returned. Not everyone can go out to the mission field, but please share in this work and we will continue to share with you the victories God has won! God will bless you, and with all our love, we say, THANK YOU and may the grace, love and peace of the Lord be with you and yours all throughout 2012.

Please pray with us and for us:

· To hear and follow God no matter the cost

· To exercise continued faithfulness in and with the stewardship entrusted to us

· To joyfully serve Pastor Sambo, staff, KCF boys and the people of Zambia

· To have financial partners for each year of the next tour

· To experience good health, safety, God’s leading and protection

If you would like to partner with the Carr Family, please make checks to Times Square Church (Carr Family Zambia on the memo line or specific one time item) and mail to 1657 Broadway, 4th Fl., NY, NY 10019. You can also go to the Missions website at to get more information on how to give online. All donations sent are tax deductible. You can also get more information on giving to the Kakabalika Child Foundation at or at

Nov 10, 2011

We are just about one month back from our debrief and vacation in Colorado Springs and what a wonderful time it was.
The Debriefing sessions at Missions Training International taught us a lot about ourselves and gave us permission to be tired and exhausted. They pampered us, took care of the children for a week, listened to us as we relived our missionary experiences in our group and individual sessions.
Not having gone through this course in preparation to go onto the field, I would recommend it to individuals who are thinking on going full-time work in another country and culture. The one aspect that became clear to Vicky and me is that we are not alone and to think that our experiences were also not unique was also a relief. Nonetheless, as missionaries we were not allowed to story steal and in croach on anyone-elses experience because their experience is their experience.
The children also had a great time and like going to the field, they finally were with kids that were alot like them in so many ways. Missionary children are just different; they started out as 'O' in their birth country and moved to another country that turned them into triangles, never again to become an 'O'. So the children they were with was as if they were lost brothers and sisters and have become reunited through MTI. The bond between them was for real and it really hurt for them to be separated from their new found friends who truly identified with them.
We are back in New Jersey and first on the list is figuring out the deficits we will have to make up from partners that for financial reasons could not continue financially supporting our family. We have a few meetings we will share at of people who planning fellowship dinners and also some local churches in the area. Hopefully, we would be able to raise an additional $2000.00 per month. The process will begin with the next newsletter and also with fellowship fundraisers. Has been and will continue to be faithful, we fully trust Him.
Our family will also after four years will be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and friends and the children are really looking forward to that. So far they have been blessed to be in two snow storms already and looking forward to a white Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. At the rate things are going it just may happen on all three holidays.
That's all for now we will check in next month, but here are some ways to pray for our family.
* Complete rest and relaxation for our tired bodies
* Creative ways to minister to our unsaved families
* Continued financial support partners
* God's grace and provision for some traveling that needs to happen before we leave
* God's magnificent and powerful presence in every area of our adopted country and ministry
* To be able to ship four new tires and bicycles on our friends container that's leaving in 2 weeks
Warren and Victoria Carr & family

Oct 8, 2011

God is for you

by Vicky Carr
Looking back over the past few months, I've noticed that God is in the process of doing something new in our family.  If you take a look back down memory lane with us, you'll notice that we've had a trying year.  Warren had a motorcycle accident that although it could've been worse still left some lasting effects on our family.  There have been other things in ministering that have given us reason to doubt and despair at times.  Like Paul we can say that we have despaired even unto the point of death.   In all those times we have chosen like David to trust the Lord and wait for Him to move on our behalf.  As I sit here in a quiet and still place I can hear God calling me even closer to Him.  I've sang the song many times, "Just a closer walk with thee.  Grant it Jesus 'tis my plea.  Daily walking close to thee,  let it be, dear Lord let it be!"
I am beginning to realize that with every higher call from Christ comes stronger trials.  The more I desire to know Him deeper and better, the harder it gets in the physical realm.  God is calling us closer but there is a price to pay.  As missionaries who spent the last two years seeking God's face (with like minded friends) and wanting His Spirit to fall fresh on us, we've noticed that every single one of us has experienced such hard trials that at times it's been hard to just breathe.  At those moments, it has been His breath that has given us life and hope.  As a group we've faced financial difficulties, family trials (with or without adoptive children), we have struggled in our marriages, friendships have been strained and even lost, we faced misunderstandings in our ministries, etc.  There have been many times that we've faced such  strong demonic oppression that we could feel Satan himself next to us.  It has been in all those times that God picked us up and carried us through.  It has at times been a very subtle lifting and at others a very real and noticeable one.  So why am I saying all this?  Well, because I know that trying times are upon us again and if we dwell on them without looking back at what we've been through, we'll sink into utter despair.  We were given faithfulness journal last year by some dear missionary friends and it was to serve as a reminder on how faithful God truly has been. 
I had a vision the other night that I'll share with you.  Warren and I were somewhere, maybe at church, we were called to step onto a platform.  We did it without hesitation.  As we stepped forward though, we noticed we were the only ones on the platform that were  being separated from the rest.  I had this clear impression from the Lord after the experience that He was saying, "this is the life you have chosen;  a life that hears the call and steps forward to it."  You know, I believe that that happened to all of the families whom were meeting to go deeper with God on February 15th 2010, and those who joined us later.  God is calling a people to come closer and to experience Him in a way that will allow Him to lead.  Many people will not understand.  As I encourage myself in the Lord, would you allow me to encourage you also?  Times are hard and for many it will be for a while.  Are we willing to trust Him with our everything and let Him lead us to high places?
I'm sorry if I'm too forward  or too spiritual, but I know that God is doing something in our family that's not just for us.  He has really spoken to us and wants to take us where we haven't been before.  Be encouraged, if God is for us, no one can be against us.
We love you all and we're praying for you.

Sep 7, 2011

Welcome Home!

Chris Rafinski, Lorenzo Fragala, Gabrielle Kowalski, Lucy Rosado, Jeff Ng, Warren Carr, Autumn Kim, Chris Monteleone, Adana Atkinson, Kei-Landa Rembert, Brittany Clay, Li-Senya Rembert and Noah George.

From Africa to America

The usual formalities took place at the airport when we got there Monday morning:  bags being overweight, having to change things from bag to bag, finding something to cut the zip strap and of course hearing the announcer call our flight for boarding.  Once the bags were out of the way, we were smooth flying; well, we had to sit on the runway for about 45 minutes because a light craft that landed blew a tire and had to be towed off the main runway.  The trip went relatively smooth, all things considered because just about every member of the family had gotten the flu and were not really feeling 100% but they made the best of it because nothing was going to stop them from getting onto the plane.  We got to London at 6 p.m., and quickly got to our connecting flight.  I tell you going backwards is more exhausting than going forward, and what makes matters worst is the amount of food one is made to eat.
Needless to say, we made it to JFK at 10:40, sat on the plane until everyone was off, dragged ourselves to the customers, were quickly expedited and then our bags were already revolving on the conveyor belt.  That was the quickest we had ever been in and out of an airport.  As we were waiting outside of the airport for our ride, no more than 10 minutes, there came out of nowhere pockets of groups with placards welcoming us back.  First there was a scream from Genesis and then a dead sprint to embrace her bosom friend, it was a classic moment.  We closed the airport as we fellowship and enjoyed each others company, took pictures and of course stopped at McDonald on the way home for the much anticipated fast food inoculation.  Check out the picture tomorrow we'll tell you more...

Sep 5, 2011


Coming Soon This Fall is a 120 days trip that will be taken by our family to see, be with and enjoy the people whom have prayed, supported and visited us over the last four years and making new ones.
Keep checking in from time to time as we take you along on this journey.  We will have some GREAT experiences and some not so good ones but all in all, we will be together.  That is what is important.
In just under 9 hours we will board British Airways (BA) flight 254 from Lusaka, Zambia to London's Heathrow airport.  We will hardly have anytime as the next flight will have already been posted and by the time we get through the metal detector lines, boarding will have begun.  Please pray there are no delays or hitches, especially now that Warren has a metal plate in his right foot with 11 screws.  Thankfully, he was wise enough to get a doctor's letter to help expedite him through the airport hassles.  Then we will board BA 183 from London's Heathrow to JFK International airport, arriving at 10:35 p.m.

So, here we go see you in about 20 hours or maybe in about 10 hours after the first leg.  Regardless to when we chat next, please keep checking in, hopefully will have pictures up as well. Bye!

May 24, 2011

Special Dates, Important Events

It truly amazes me how certain dates have impact on our lives so much as to change it forever.  We go about our daily lives trying our best to make ends meet; to beat the clock and do one or two more things a day; to make an impact on someone's life for the good; and then it comes, something happens that you will remember forever.  Not only will you remember the day, but also the date and even the time it happened.  That is what happened to our family this past month.  On Wednesday, April 20, Warren was involved in a motorcycle accident at around 5pm.  Its funny how that will forever be engraved in our minds like the day our children were born.  No longer will that particular Wednesday be bunched together with the hundreds of others that we will not remember.  It is as if Wednesday, April 20, now has a name and last name.  We can go back to the calendar and there it will be.  We remember other dates such as World War 1 and 2, September 11, July 4, etc.  Another date that will be etched in our minds forever is Wednesday, April 27, the day our beloved Pastor Dave went to be with Jesus.
As I contemplate this truth, I can't help but think of the millions of people that are walking in and out of our lives without being singled out, without a name.  Who knows, maybe they are angels we pass on the road but we're too busy to notice.  They go, almost like a dog with its tail tucked, hoping and praying to be noticed.  They want to come out of the agony of not knowing their Maker.  I am convinced now, just like that one Wednesday has changed our family forever, that God can use me to change someone by just caring enough to stop and listen. 
I remember once there was a knock at our gate early on a Saturday morning.  It was a young woman with a very tiny baby on her back.  She wanted 'piece-work'.  Here in Zambia 'piece-workers' are day laborers looking for money to put food on the table that day.  I started praying for and with the people as they showed up at the gate, but this particular Saturday, March 5; Warren went and let her in.  We saw that we had some blankets that needed washing so we asked her to do that.  We also had her wash the kitchen cabinets, just looking for something for her to do.  We fed her and her baby breakfast and then made them their beloved "nshima".  Most Zambians do not believe they've eaten food until nshima is served; it's the staple and most beloved food.  After she was done, she was ready to go; she earned some money for the week and a full stomach.  I asked her for her name and she said it was "Grace".  As soon as she said that, I knew she had been sent to our family to show us God's grace.  He is such an amazing GOD who truly doesn't need our help.  He is God all by himself and can do it all alone.  However, He loves intimacy, He wants to have a relationship with His creation, so He lets us in on some of the work He is doing.  We were showing Grace how God's gracious love had led her to a place where she would be able to make ends meet at least for that week.  She was showing us how God's grace cared enough about us to let us in on one of His daily miracles.
That is how we live our lives here in Zambia; we are able to work alongside a ministry that does an amazing job.  We have over 30 boys at the farm, and to them we have become more than Americans.  We are part of their family.  I love to hear them say, "Uncle Warren" or "Auntie Vicky" that small phrase cuts out the non-relationship and brings us close.  We are in the Rivers of Joy and KCF family!
As some of you may know we had been working with the education team on starting the Kakabalika Trust School and finally, after two years and a lot of leg work with gathering information and filling out applications (all done of course on Zambian Time!), it opened Monday, May 10th!  We are excited about the wonderful step the ministry has taken.  We do still need all the help we can get, and to do just that, Nina Zaragoza from TSC will be coming June 2 for three months.  Would you consider sponsoring a child to school?  On the other hand, coming and helping personally?  We encourage and welcome all financial help, prayer support, and the lifting up of or hands.  We can't wait to see what the Lord will do thru YOU!  Would you allow Him to make a date in your life to remember?

Team In, Stiches Out

  • We were privileged to have a ChildCry team come and visit May 5 –May 14.  ChildCry supports the KCF feeding program and so the team came to spend time with the boys and get to know the program more intimately.  Their agenda was just to come and serve in the kitchen particularly, but also to experience the KCF day-to-day, meals included.  All went well except for the Kapenta introduction.  Dried baby fish is cooked with oil, tomatoes, onion and salt and then eaten.  I must say, I have not mastered it either myself!  The fish just needs HELP!  I have even tried to Spanishize it to no avail, although Warren and the children love it.  Anyhow, the team was awesome!  I had the privilege to take them shopping in town with Chibuta, Pastor's wife.  We went to the shops we frequent quarterly for the KCF stocks.  As always, it was a long and productive day.  The rest of the week, they cooked for the boys, some American and some Zambian foods.  Lots and many pictures were taken, the week went by so fast, Saturday came and they had to say some heart wrenching goodbyes.  We hope to see them again in the not too distant future.

    Warren of course was very mobile and went to the farm most of the week.  When we went to church that Sunday, he even did two 15-minute intervals of praise and worship up front, standing.  I of course, had such weak knees I could barely focus.  I kept saying in my mind, "YOU NEED TO SIT!"  God then gently rebuked me and told me that my husband was not worshiping some fake god that could not hold him together.  He was His God and He was going to keep him.  Friday came and it was time for the stitches to come out.  We made it a family teaching moment and we all went to see Dr. Lastroni.  I told the Doc that the children wanted to watch and that it was to be a science class!  He is a very funny Italian guy who immediately put on his serious Doctor face and started explaining what was about to take place to the children whom were all paralyzed!  Not sure if it was because they were totally absorbing all the medical terminology or just grossed out by the leg!  I'm  guessing it was the latter because GEM did tell me in school a few days later that she felt as if she was going to faint when she saw the leg!  Now, though she fights to clean "daddy's wound" with alcohol.  All went well, and Doc said Warren could come back mid June for his next appointment.  Although all has been well, we also feel the little bit he's been doing is too much.  We never realize it until we get home and the leg get a bit swollen.  Therefore, we've decided to take it even slower than we have been. Thank you all for all the prayer and support during this time.  We can't wait to see you all personally and give you a great big hug!

May 23, 2011

Pastor David Wilkerson

I went to TSC in 1996.  I was in college and had been a Christian most of my life.  I was raised by a single mom who loved the Lord and raised us to know Him and fear Him.  Although, I was saved and loved Jesus, as much as I thought was good, I did not really know intimacy with Him.  I remember listening to Pastor David preach on personal devotion and how to have one.  That is when I began to know that Jesus wants me for Himself; that He is jealous for my affection and He wants me to call on Him as my friend.  That message has kept me all these years.  I remember him saying to read Psalms according to each date.  I found it so fascinating and helpful that I still do it.  I am so grateful for the life he lived and for the personal interest; he took in getting to know our family and me.

It was hard receiving the news of Pastor David's accident here in Zambia but I thank God that there are no limits to His grace.  The news came to us in the middle of the night while in the hospital waiting for Warren's surgery the next day.  What a difficult night!  Warren and I thought we were not going to be able to watch the service because our internet access is shaky and so is our computer!  However, God knew and although a bit faulty, we were able to watch most of the memorial service!  Our family is so grateful to God for Pastor Dave's obedience that has provoked our lives to count it all loss for the excellency of knowing and serving   and obeying Jesus!  We will always love and miss you Brother Dave.  Thank you for your example of a life well lived!

Victoria Carr

May 4, 2011

His Presence Has Seen us Through

Here we are a week after surgery.  Recovery is going well.  Thank you all for your prayers and encouraging words.  It has meant the world to us.  Warren went in for his surgery a little bit after 11am and it was a blessing for me to have one of my friends come and spend that time praying and talking.  He came out about two hours later and was totally under the influence of the sleeping anesthesia.  We were in one of the nicer hospitals and so it almost felt as if we were no longer in Africa.  Well, after he was wheeled in the room, the nurses wanted him to get up and go from the stretcher to the bed, ON HIS OWN.  I was so flabbergasted I just smiled, as if it was not happening.  The lady kept on saying, "Mr. Carr, can you move onto the bed now.  He would grunt and say "HMM" and kind of move a bit.  Then I remembered, "Yes I'm in Africa, we do things different here!"  Thank God for grace!

He was asleep most of the day on Thursday because the pain was so bad the Doctors kept on giving him shots of pain relief.  Friday morning, he was kind of coming back to normal but was still groggy and in some pain, so he told me that maybe we should spend another night.  The Doctor came to visit before lunchtime and started him on pills as opposed to the shots and miraculously enough, the pain started subsiding even more.  We had the children come and spend some time with us; they watch a movie on an itty-bitty IPod screen, quiet hysterical to watch.  We then had lunch and Warren was feeling so much better, that he ate a full meal!  The Doctor came back and suggested he should be discharged later that afternoon and we agreed because God had turned the situation around.  So, we were on the way home around 4pm, AWESOME! 

Back at home, we just took it easy for a few days.  Stayed home Sunday and had church.  Of course, we looked for a David Wilkerson message and ironically enough; the only one we found was the one called "Heaven".  It was great to watch such a simple yet powerful message, at such great timing!  The boys could stand it no longer to not have their "Uncle Warren" around, that at around 1pm, most of them showed up at our house.  It was great to see them and fellowship as well as worship with them.  Warren even did a jiggy on one foot to assure them, that all will be well. 

God has made Himself so real to us in this time.  I woke up one morning singing "In Your Presence". I don't know who wrote it but Jen Johnson sings it in the "Here Is Love" Bethel worship CD.   I did not remember all the lyrics then.  I kept hearing the chorus over and over again. 

"I love, I love, and I love your presence

I love, I love, and I love your presence

I love, I love, I love you Jesus

I love, I love, I love your presence"

I forgot about the song as my day started and progressed.  However, while I was washing the dishes after dinner.  I was listening to some music and then the song came again.  Of course, I blasted it and worshipped my hear out there and then, wet, dirty, broom in hand.  I made quite a spectacle of myself to my 5 year old who came in the kitchen and just looked at me and said,  "Mommy, what are you doing?"  I said, "Son, Mommy is worshipping Jesus!"  And so, we both went upstairs to do family devotions and send everyone to bed.  Warren asked all of us to share what the best part of our day was.  Everyone went around saying what they liked.  Then it was my turn, I remembered how my day had started and how it was ending, with this one song.  I said that was the best part of my day.  However, it didn't really hit me until a friend asked I me again on a text.  "What made your day good?" she asked.  I said that song because it taught me that Jesus was surrounding me all day long.  Now, as I write this I am struck with even a greater truth.  Like Peter, Jesus asked me "Do you love me? Do you love my presence?"  I have surrounded you with my presence to carry you through your day, did you notice?"  With tears in my eyes, I say, "Yes, my Lord, I love your presence!"  His answer to me is, "I have seem you through today and will see you through another day.  I love it when you love me. I love it when you love my presence.  I will have my presence over you each day every day, even when you do not feel it.  I AM"


Apr 27, 2011

2nd Opinion Results

Hello Dear Friends and Family,
We went for a second opinion today because we were strongly encouraged by two doctor friends of ours.  Anyhow, to cut the long story short, Warren will be going in for surgury on Thursday morning.  He will be addmitted tomorrow afternoon and will come out Friday.  We have total peace about this decision and believe God will do wonders in this situation. 
The story that kept coming to my mind today everything was sinking in was that of the three Hebrew boys.  I've been praying to see total healing of Warren's leg without medical help.  Of course, the report today contradicts my prayer but not my faith.  I am saying like those boys, "O great King, the God whom we serve is able to save us.  But even if he doesn't, we will still not bow to your image."
This image to me right now can be anxiety, doubt and unbelief, worry, dissapointment, fear.  All these feeling that will want to rise up and debilitate our thinking.  We stand up and say, even if God chooses to have us go into this fire, we will not bow.  Of course, to the boys amazement, the saw Jesus in that fire.  What I would give to see Him in that hospital room on Thursday!!  I'm so excited because the God we serve is able to do what He wants when He wants and how He wants.  Would you all believe with us as we expect to see Jesus more on Thursday because He's already shown up.
We love you all!
Vicky and the Carrpool

Apr 24, 2011

My Redeemer Lives

This is a powerful statement made by a man who had something to complain about who chose instead to bless the Lord His God.  This old sage had his character attacked, then his property and children taken and if that's not enough, a physical attack.  In the midst of all of this, plus friends who were to be a source of strength but turned out to be prolonging of the pain, he shouts for I know my redeemer lives...
I concur with Job's position because some of these attacks are real especially when hearing and obeying the voice of God for your life.  However, it does not become a reality until you are faced with the same kinds of tests.  In times like these, God the maker of all things, creator of the universe and more specifically ME, helps me to see Him in a new dimension.
Where are you, character being destroyed, loosing you property and/ or children, body being rack with pain, or experiencing a season of grace and peace?  No matter where you are, we can, like Job declare, FOR I KNOW MY REDEEMER LIVES!  Not only that but that GOD CAN...!
Jesus rose on that morning and is seated on the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens.  And guess what?  He is coming again!

The Journey

Day 1 crack
Day 2 pack
Day 3 on my back
Day 4 feeling no lack
Day 5 under attack
I can go on and on but what really sums it up for me are the lyrics to the bridge on the song, TRADING MY SORROWS
I am pressed but not crushed,
Persecuted, not abandoned
Struck down, but not destroyed.
I am blessed beyond the curse,
For His promise will endure
His joy's gonna be my strength.
Though sorrow may last for a night
JOY comes in the morning!

Apr 21, 2011

Hit and Run, Prayers and Praises!

Hello Everyone!
Well, we've been in Zambia almost three and a half years and for the most part have not had too many major visits to the hospital.  Yesterday afternoon changed things a bit for our family.  Warren was riding to church on one of our friend's motorcycle, I had the car, as he was approaching a bend in the road, a car was coming and turning without stopping.  The guy ran him off the road and kept going although he saw him fall off the bike.  Thank God Warren was alert and remembered his phone and called me because he could not get up as his leg was badly hurt.  I was just about a minute away from him, totally GOD!  I was able to get him right away, drop the children off at a friend's house and rush to the hospital.
On our way, I was in a daze and he and I started worshiping and it was like God was just carrying us through this valley.  We arrived at the hospital and the Doctor saw his leg and said it that a bone or two had broken and we needed to take him to get xrays done elsewhere because their machine was down.  We waited a bit and then got in the ambulance and drove around to our surprise trying to find a hospital with a working xray machine.  We went to a few and made some phone calls to what seemed like no avail.  We ended up going to UTH, a local hospital that we've frequented a lot with the boys.  I felt like one of the people then, not separated by nationality or culture.  They had a very new xray machice and it didn't take long to do. Of course, the technitian who took the xrays almost made me loose my religion because he was just BRUTAL handling my husband's hurt leg.  I tell you ALL my Spanish blood came out but GOD!  It was not just me the nurse who came with us nearly slapped the guy upside the head!! 
The bright side of the visit there was that, as the boys, Pastor Dorcas, a few others from the ministry and Chibuta were on their way home from church, they came and prayed with us.  It was a refreshing and encouraging surprise! 

At the hospital again we met with the Doctor who looked at the xray and saw that it was the tibia, near his ankle that had broken.  He said it was a very common fracture and should heal well.  We had to wait till 6am to set a soft cast because his leg was very swollen.  The night was long but God was faithful.
The Doctor came at 6 and took him into theater and I was left alone in the room.  I was afraid but so encouraged as I opened my Bible to read in Psalms.  I usually read Psalm by the date, so because today is the 21st, I read Psalms 21, 41, 51 and so on until the end.  Psalms 41:1-3 says, "Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.  The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed on the earth;  You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.  The Lord will strengthen him him on his bed if ILLNESS; You will sustain him on his sickbed."  Awesome word for our family and so I prayed believing that God's promise is Yes and Amen in Jesus.
We would really appreciate your prayers during this time.  Warren will be in a long cast from his foot to mid thigh for 6-8 weeks.  We live in a two story house with our bedroom upstairs. 

Prayer points:
* Quick healing and recovery
* Strength for all of as we enter this long recovery process
* Finances for the medical bills
* Joy in the midst of the storm
* Strength to quiet the lies of the enemy in our minds
We love you all and pray God will shower you with His grace today and He has us!!  We are so very grateful to God becuase He still sees fit to love and protect us because it could've been much, much worse.
Vicky and the Carrpool

Mar 7, 2011

Simeon's Birthday Party

Carr Family March Update - Zambia


My, my, what a time to be alive in the universe!  What a time to know and have the treasures of heaven resident within!  What a time to be involved in the work of the Lord!

Back in the late 1980's and early 1990's there was this major thrust to pray for and be willing to lay ones life down to serve in what is know as the 10/40 window of countries absolutely closed to the Gospel of Jesus.  Here we are today, and from within in several of these countries there is revolution taking place; not only a revolution for freedom from autocratic rule, but also freedom to receive the gospel many have given their lives to bring to such a needy group.  We pray that as countries start shaking from the inside there will be openness to the person of Jesus Christ and what He did for humankind.  What a time to be in service of the Kingdom!

For the Carr Family, it is truly a time to celebrate the goodness of Jesus, as our son Simeon has celebrated his fifth birthday on the Missionary field.


This time is very exciting for him because now he is a big boy; more so, it seems his energy level has exploded.  I see why many of the boys especially in the US are on ridlin or some other psychotic drug.  They are off the hook.  We love him dearly and are proud of his efforts in school to read, learn his numbers and work on puzzles.  His favorite pass time is slashing the grass and working in the gardens.  Nevertheless, keeps his eye open for any opportunity to sneak off with dad to the farm or on errands.

Miss Salome, aka SaSa, is loved by everybody and knows it; she uses this position to manipulate getting her way in everything.  Recently, she has really come of age in school especially, writing stories, reading incessantly computing and completing assignments on time.  If given her way, she would complete her mathematics all in one day.  Coloring books do not stand a chance with her because she is the "Artist" and will color an entire coloring book in one sitting.


The first picture says it all.  Those two make the perfect Latina, absolutely connected at the hip.  She is a great kid!


Everyone thinks Genesis and Amber Leigh are twins, but they are not.  However, they can't help doing the same things activities wise.  GEM and Amber are doing well.  Pictures really do say a thousand words.  These are photos our two eldest at their first swim meet and it is a milestone for them, having started swimming when they were three and two shows how far they have gone in their swimming.  This meet was in a 25-meter pool, but the following day GEM was invited to swim in a gala in a 50-meter pool.  She swam breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke.  Amber also swims the breaststroke as well as, freestyle.  They are also making steady progress in their music training.

The proud parents of these great kids are thanking God everyday of life, health, breath and strength to continue following His plan and His leading.  In fact, when you read this update Vicky will be celebrating her birthday.  That day is a national holiday in the Carr household.  It is hoped that the Dominican cake is just the way she likes it and that the love and gifts from the children will make being a mother, wife and friend worth the 12 years of her labor and love.  Please join our family in wishing the one we love and depend on so much a very happy birthday.


At the farm, Kakabalika Child Foundation, the Ministry of Education has just inspected the facilities built last year for school and has given the okay to begin school as we put together the exhaustive school registration application.  We are still in need of constructing boys and girls water closets close to the school; as well as, purchase furniture and materials but we are certain that this is the time and everything will fall into its proper place.  It also turns out that of the three teachers selected, two were approved to begin and this is definitely a step in the right direction because teacher scrutiny is quite high so we were privilege to get two out of three.  The ones was looking forward to the change are the boys who currently clock about five miles roundtrip to the current school they attend.  This change will also enable the care team to manage the boy's time more effectively, planning activities and various schedules that have been previously dictated by the morning and afternoon public school system.


The construction of a pig run has also been completed to assist the work in becoming self-sufficient.  In addition to adding pigs, the workers on the ground hope to start raising chickens again for sale and for consumption in the homes.  The tractor donated by the Cork Church in Ireland has been a true blessing to the ministry in providing plowing and disking to the KCF farm but has also served as an income generating tool in plowing and disking many of the neighbor farms.  Right now Maize and string beans are on the ground as we have come off six months or more of providing tomatoes to hotels, grocery stores and marketers.  God truly has blessed this work in many ways and it is a blessing for our family to be able to help in some small way.  To God be the glory.



Provision of funds that our family will be able to take furlough after 2.5 years on the field

Continued health and safety of our families

Provision of donors to the KCF work:  church, private, business, NGO's and Government

God to raise new supports for the Carr family

Wisdom, creativity and favor with God and man

Thank you for your notes and updates, we are grateful in being part of your lives as you ours.