May 4, 2011

His Presence Has Seen us Through

Here we are a week after surgery.  Recovery is going well.  Thank you all for your prayers and encouraging words.  It has meant the world to us.  Warren went in for his surgery a little bit after 11am and it was a blessing for me to have one of my friends come and spend that time praying and talking.  He came out about two hours later and was totally under the influence of the sleeping anesthesia.  We were in one of the nicer hospitals and so it almost felt as if we were no longer in Africa.  Well, after he was wheeled in the room, the nurses wanted him to get up and go from the stretcher to the bed, ON HIS OWN.  I was so flabbergasted I just smiled, as if it was not happening.  The lady kept on saying, "Mr. Carr, can you move onto the bed now.  He would grunt and say "HMM" and kind of move a bit.  Then I remembered, "Yes I'm in Africa, we do things different here!"  Thank God for grace!

He was asleep most of the day on Thursday because the pain was so bad the Doctors kept on giving him shots of pain relief.  Friday morning, he was kind of coming back to normal but was still groggy and in some pain, so he told me that maybe we should spend another night.  The Doctor came to visit before lunchtime and started him on pills as opposed to the shots and miraculously enough, the pain started subsiding even more.  We had the children come and spend some time with us; they watch a movie on an itty-bitty IPod screen, quiet hysterical to watch.  We then had lunch and Warren was feeling so much better, that he ate a full meal!  The Doctor came back and suggested he should be discharged later that afternoon and we agreed because God had turned the situation around.  So, we were on the way home around 4pm, AWESOME! 

Back at home, we just took it easy for a few days.  Stayed home Sunday and had church.  Of course, we looked for a David Wilkerson message and ironically enough; the only one we found was the one called "Heaven".  It was great to watch such a simple yet powerful message, at such great timing!  The boys could stand it no longer to not have their "Uncle Warren" around, that at around 1pm, most of them showed up at our house.  It was great to see them and fellowship as well as worship with them.  Warren even did a jiggy on one foot to assure them, that all will be well. 

God has made Himself so real to us in this time.  I woke up one morning singing "In Your Presence". I don't know who wrote it but Jen Johnson sings it in the "Here Is Love" Bethel worship CD.   I did not remember all the lyrics then.  I kept hearing the chorus over and over again. 

"I love, I love, and I love your presence

I love, I love, and I love your presence

I love, I love, I love you Jesus

I love, I love, I love your presence"

I forgot about the song as my day started and progressed.  However, while I was washing the dishes after dinner.  I was listening to some music and then the song came again.  Of course, I blasted it and worshipped my hear out there and then, wet, dirty, broom in hand.  I made quite a spectacle of myself to my 5 year old who came in the kitchen and just looked at me and said,  "Mommy, what are you doing?"  I said, "Son, Mommy is worshipping Jesus!"  And so, we both went upstairs to do family devotions and send everyone to bed.  Warren asked all of us to share what the best part of our day was.  Everyone went around saying what they liked.  Then it was my turn, I remembered how my day had started and how it was ending, with this one song.  I said that was the best part of my day.  However, it didn't really hit me until a friend asked I me again on a text.  "What made your day good?" she asked.  I said that song because it taught me that Jesus was surrounding me all day long.  Now, as I write this I am struck with even a greater truth.  Like Peter, Jesus asked me "Do you love me? Do you love my presence?"  I have surrounded you with my presence to carry you through your day, did you notice?"  With tears in my eyes, I say, "Yes, my Lord, I love your presence!"  His answer to me is, "I have seem you through today and will see you through another day.  I love it when you love me. I love it when you love my presence.  I will have my presence over you each day every day, even when you do not feel it.  I AM"


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