By Warren
The songwriter Harry Lauder wrote the lyrics to the song with the above title
after the only son John had been killed in France on New Years Day, 1917. Some
of the lyrics read:
Keep right on to the end of the road,
Keep right on to the end,
Tho' the way be long, let your heart be strong,
Keep right on round the bend.
tho' you're tired and weary still journey on,
'Till you come to your happy abode,
Where all the love you've been dreaming of
Will be there at the end of the road.
"…The race indeed is not to the swift or the strong but to those who endure to
the end…" I am penning this and many of you will read it thinking that we are
making such a great sacrifice for God. Sometimes in the doing, I have to be
honest, there seems to be no results in the natural, but we are certain that in
the spiritual God is accomplishing a great work. Can I encourage you that are
struggling today, to hold on and to keep right on trusting and following? You
are in God's hand and He will keep you on the path. Joy comes along, you are
not alone; I know the order of the day is to just give up and throw in the
towel. I have a promise willed to you by Jesus himself and it goes like this,
"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I
give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. So
'Keep Right On' my friends, He will see you through to the very end.
Song taken from Sandy Millar's ALL I WANT IS YOU p. 113
Very encouraging!