A month after our family’s return to Zambia, a draft Constitution was presented
to the country by the new government. One of the church
organizations in the country has submitted a recommendation to remove all
references to Christ. Prior to its submission the government
revoked the permit and deported one of its leaders.
government has also de-registered a church because of alleged inappropriate
behaviors of its leaders.
July, a new minimum wage standard has taken immediate effect in the country to
the tune for some organizations of up to 70% increase.
The new government has also made it illegal to conduct business with USD currency unless with a bona fide agency like the currency exchange and etc.
of the family planning centers here, now boast having performed 11,000 abortions
on their site, an act that is reprehensible in Zambia according to its
the news recently, almost two billion dollars of stored bumper harvest staple
crops were destroyed because of poor storage facilities.
month ago, while returning home from an evening event; good friends of ours were
help up at gunpoint at their gate. The would-be thieves did not
hurt them but pointed the gun directly at the daughter’s chest, instructing her
to get out of their minivan. When they got out of the car the
thieves drove off with their vehicle.
result of many of these changes is that more and more people are becoming
unemployed, more and more are becoming despondent and desperate.
The landscape does not look promising from a layman’s perspective, but
for those of us with a different kind of hope – our Messiah is coming
not your heart be troubled….”…"We are not alone in this world…” are consoling
promises that keep us forging forward regardless of the difficulty and/or
challenges we face.
school, we were so close to getting our books to the red column when this new
minimum wage law hit us with a great one-two punch that will surely send us
careening backwards. As a startup work, trying to make a
difference in the lives of our clients and students, it seems like this road
block is strategically placed to keep us from getting to where we need to
be. We already do not have a good salary base from which to work
from because it is solely dependent upon the student’s paying. To add a 70% hike
will delay us even more. Not to mention, delaying extra books,
desks, computer monitors and P.E. equipment. Staying motivated at
times is difficult and the only thing that keeps hope alive is knowing that it
is bringing individualized training to the KCF clients.
majority of the boys are now going to be in secondary school and every time you
turn around they have out grown this outfit, shoe and or the like.
One of our friends had received a container with boys clothes and they donated a few boxes for some of our bigger boys. The same week another missionary was having a house sale and we were able to purchase clothes for the smaller boys. God has never failed to meet our need. School is beginning school and are brainstorming ways at which they can do little creative things to
start raising moneys to help pay their school fees and buy them much needed
items. Several of the boys have become the school of the Boreans,
in that they are not satisfied at taken the preached word verbatim.
They are taking the time to study and present the challenging questions
that confronts them as they are reading the text for themselves.
We have been having some very lively discussions because they want the
truth, to understand it, breathe it and live it.

Our temporary place, House 3 at KCF
is the Carr scoop, we moved last week into temporary shelter until the
place we are renting becomes available in November. The temporary
shelter at the moment is on the Kakabalika grounds. We have to be
separated from the dogs for the next few days because there is no security fence to keep them from
terrorizing the neighborhood. The people already think they are
lions. The home also does not have proper electricity nor security
for the car, but we are certain that in due time all of these nuances will be
taken care of. The new house we will rent did not have a fence
either, so we were able to negotiate working out that much needed
detail. The place is about a mile and half away from
Kakabalika. To help with enrollment in music lessons and
afternoon activities, Vicky and the children have started selling baked goods at
a monthly local market. It has been a great time to teach the children the principle of sewing and reaping. On August 28th Amber Leigh
turned 10. We simply cannot believe the time has gone so
fast. She and Genesis desinged her party, a sleepover with 7 girls. We are all excited about her next decade in life. Although our life right now is a bit unsettled in that we have only unpacked the absolute neccesities and the rest of our things are in a container on campus until our "real" moved in a couple of months, we still feel such peace in this place. Warren and I have been really tired and we are asking God to give us rest in Him. The children are just so happy to be near the boys, they are really enjoying this time to really get to know them. God has answered our prayers in more ways than one and we are greatful. We have just celebrated 13 years of marriage this past week. Wow! We are just so overwhelmed that in thirteen years God would take us to places where did not think of going and give us vineyards which we did not plant and houses we did not build. He has blessed us beyond anything we deserve, we are humbled and greatful and on top of it all four beautiful children. God is more than enough. Although we feel peace we know that the battle raging against the ministry and our family is fierce and the enemy is very alert is his move against us. But we do not fear him nor his tactics, we are certain of one thing, that He who called us will equip us and has raised a banner against this foe. Believe God with us for peace and rest for this next few months of transition for our family.

Amber and her friends at her sleepover birthday bash
Sweet Amber is 10!!
Who's the birthday girl?!
- Smooth transition of our family from the comforts of the city to farm life.
- Finances for school fees and the many projects needing attention at Kakabalika School.
- Continued health, peace and joy for the KCF/KTS/ROJF workers and volunteers.
- Spirit of unity and the bond of peace to abound in the work and amongst the people living, working and serving in Zambia.
- Continued protection, provision and power for our family.
- Quick resolution to all areas experiencing communication and relational strain.
- God's voice to be heard in the halls of government and leadership throughout the land
- That we would be relentless in our pursuit in making Jesus known as the Christ in everything we say, think and do.
If you would like to give to the Carr family send checks to TSC Missions at 1657 Broadway, New York, NY 10019; or give online at tscnyc.org/missions. To find out how to give to the project, visit childcrynyc.org/where_zambia.php