Oct 15, 2012

Our Week In a Nutshell...

A Dog Funeral

                                                            Burial and Paying our respects...

                             Making breakfast alone while Mom jumps start the school vehicle

                                                         At gas station fixing a flat tire!!

                                                                    What's under there?!

                                                                     Having fun yet?

                                     It's Friday after bedtime and we're not home in bed!!

The fixed tire?!

                                                                 Pose for the camera, Peter!!                                      

The Children's first recital...

                                                                  Waiting their turn...
Simeon waiting to play "Mary Had A Little Lamb"

                                                 Salome playing "The Old Cotton Picker"

                                                 Amber Leigh playing "The Red Drum"

                                                  Genesis playing "Sheep May Safely Graze"

                                               The beautiful little Carrs made us SO proud!!

                                         A proud Zambian celebrating after a winning game!

                   The busy schedule and unexpected events did not take away our silliness!!

Oct 13, 2012

Mommy, I just saw Jesus!

The first day alone and so far it was going well. School went well.  We were even able to go to a friend's house to swim.  A very uneventful day other than the fact that we had just put our beloved Daddy and husband on a plane to fly thousands of miles away.  Evening came and of course a big fight broke out between the children that left us all flustered.  It was very discouraging to say the least.  Of course, I woke up feeling like such a failure because of how I handled the situation the night before.  I apologized to the child I had offended in my behavior and then we started our regular devotion and Bible drill routine.  The topic was "Where does God come from?" and "What is Sin?" My six year old had some very interesting questions and wanted to know more and more about this God we worship.  He was asking things like, "Why do I need to be saved?' and "How does Jesus get into my heart and why?" After trying my best to explain to him in terms he could understand, I asked him if he wanted to pray.  He said yes and we did.  As soon as we were done, he screamed and said "Mommy I just saw Jesus!". Two other girls said, "Me too!" It was surreal.  The all went on to describe what the saw and because one child had not had any visions, and she also wanted to "see" we prayed again.  Such an amazing peace fell into the house.  We actually felt Him in the room with us.
So, really I share this to encourage any of you out there that thinks you've messed up too much for God to visit you or touch you.  He is a faithful and loving God who does not count our sins against us.  The Bible says in Psalms if God were to count our sins against us, if He were to keep record after we've repented, we would not be able to stand.  Just because I lost it the night before that did not prevent Jesus from ministering to my children.  They asked for Him and needed Him and He showed up because He loves them.  He didn't say, "forget it you guys and your mom can't get it together.  Call on me when it's all good and then maybe I'll consider it."  Man, no way!! They asked about Him and He was so delighted that He just showed up.  All because that's just the way he is.  Not to mention He wanted us to know that He was going to be with us for the interesting week we were just about to have....

Sep 9, 2012

Summer Update

A month after our family’s return to Zambia, a draft Constitution was presented to the country by the new government. One of the church organizations in the country has submitted a recommendation to remove all references to Christ. Prior to its submission the government revoked the permit and deported one of its leaders. The government has also de-registered a church because of alleged inappropriate behaviors of its leaders.

Effective July, a new minimum wage standard has taken immediate effect in the country to the tune for some organizations of up to 70% increase.

The new government has also made it illegal to conduct business with USD currency unless with a bona fide agency like the currency exchange and etc.
One of the family planning centers here, now boast having performed 11,000 abortions on their site, an act that is reprehensible in Zambia according to its laws.

In the news recently, almost two billion dollars of stored bumper harvest staple crops were destroyed because of poor storage facilities.
A month ago, while returning home from an evening event; good friends of ours were help up at gunpoint at their gate. The would-be thieves did not hurt them but pointed the gun directly at the daughter’s chest, instructing her to get out of their minivan. When they got out of the car the thieves drove off with their vehicle.

The result of many of these changes is that more and more people are becoming unemployed, more and more are becoming despondent and desperate. The landscape does not look promising from a layman’s perspective, but for those of us with a different kind of hope – our Messiah is coming again!

“…Let not your heart be troubled….”…"We are not alone in this world…” are consoling promises that keep us forging forward regardless of the difficulty and/or challenges we face.
At school, we were so close to getting our books to the red column when this new minimum wage law hit us with a great one-two punch that will surely send us careening backwards. As a startup work, trying to make a difference in the lives of our clients and students, it seems like this road block is strategically placed to keep us from getting to where we need to be. We already do not have a good salary base from which to work from because it is solely dependent upon the student’s paying. To add a 70% hike will delay us even more. Not to mention, delaying extra books, desks, computer monitors and P.E. equipment. Staying motivated at times is difficult and the only thing that keeps hope alive is knowing that it is bringing individualized training to the KCF clients.

The majority of the boys are now going to be in secondary school and every time you turn around they have out grown this outfit, shoe and or the like. One of our friends had received a container with boys clothes and they donated a few boxes for some of our bigger boys.  The same week another missionary was having a house sale and we were able to purchase clothes for the smaller boys.  God has never failed to meet our need.  School is beginning school and are brainstorming ways at which they can do little creative things to start raising moneys to help pay their school fees and buy them much needed items. Several of the boys have become the school of the Boreans, in that they are not satisfied at taken the preached word verbatim. They are taking the time to study and present the challenging questions that confronts them as they are reading the text for themselves. We have been having some very lively discussions because they want the truth, to understand it, breathe it and live it.
                                              Our temporary place, House 3 at KCF

Here is the Carr scoop, we moved last week into temporary shelter until the place we are renting becomes available in November. The temporary shelter at the moment is on the Kakabalika grounds. We have to be separated from the dogs for the next few days because there is no security fence to keep them from terrorizing the neighborhood. The people already think they are lions. The home also does not have proper electricity nor security for the car, but we are certain that in due time all of these nuances will be taken care of. The new house we will rent did not have a fence either, so we were able  to negotiate working out that much needed detail. The place is about a mile and half away from Kakabalika. To help with enrollment in music lessons and afternoon activities, Vicky and the children have started selling baked goods at a monthly local market. It has been a great time to teach the children the principle of sewing and reaping.  On August 28th Amber Leigh turned 10. We simply cannot believe the time has gone so fast.  She and Genesis desinged her party, a sleepover with 7 girls.  We are all excited about her next decade in life.  Although our life right now is a bit unsettled in that we have only unpacked the absolute neccesities and the rest of our things are in a container on campus until our "real" moved in a couple of months, we still feel such peace in this place.  Warren and I have been really tired and we are asking God to give us rest in Him.  The children are just so happy to be near the boys, they are really enjoying this time to really get to know them.  God has answered our prayers in more ways than one and we are greatful.  We have just celebrated 13 years of marriage this past week.  Wow!  We are just so overwhelmed that in thirteen years God would take us to places where did not think of going and give us vineyards which we did not plant and houses we did not build.  He has blessed us beyond anything we deserve, we are humbled and greatful and on top of it all four beautiful children.  God is more than enough.  Although we feel peace we know that the battle raging against the ministry and our family is fierce and the enemy is very alert is his move against us.  But we do not fear him nor his tactics, we are certain of one thing, that He who called us will equip us and has raised a banner against this foe.  Believe God with us for peace and rest for this next few months of transition for our family.
                                       Amber and her friends at her sleepover birthday bash

                                                             Sweet Amber is 10!!

                                                            Who's the birthday girl?!

  • Smooth transition of our family from the comforts of the city to farm life.
  • Finances for school fees and the many projects needing attention at Kakabalika School. 
  • Continued health, peace and joy for the KCF/KTS/ROJF workers and volunteers.
  • Spirit of unity and the bond of peace to abound in the work and amongst the people living, working and serving in Zambia.
  • Continued protection, provision and power for our family.
  • Quick resolution to all areas experiencing communication and relational strain.
  • God's voice to be heard in the halls of government and leadership throughout the land
  • That we would be relentless in our pursuit in making Jesus known as the Christ in everything we say, think and do.
 If you would like to give to the Carr family send checks to TSC Missions at 1657 Broadway, New York, NY 10019; or give online at tscnyc.org/missions.  To find out how to give to the project, visit childcrynyc.org/where_zambia.php

Jul 24, 2012

A Heart to Heart

 Independence many times can bring loneliness and pain.  These past few weeks, I've had a difficult time and I could not really put my finger on what was really wrong.  My mind was going crazy.  I had thoughts invading my mind and telling things like, "You'd be better off alone" "You should book a ticket and fly somewhere where no one will know and will never find you."  Many lies came to my mind about my marriage, my children and the ministry, even about God's faithfulness and God's love.  I would read my Bible and although God would encourage me, the same thoughts would come back at me.  I thought I was going crazy.  The thought that kept on plagging my mind was that I should start doing things myself if they were not getting done.  I couldn't keep waiting on God or my husband to do things when I was very capable of doing these things alone.

This independent sprit then started to bring over some ugly friends, loliness and depression.  As I was reading one day, God revealed to me the battle that was raging against my soul.  It was war to keep me from the place that God wanted for me.  I'm not saying that independence is a bad thing but that when it rivals against unity in the home and God himself then there is a big problem.  We are beings created for realtionship.  A relationship that God craves and we are granted to have with Him in Christ Jesus.  Wanting to start acting out of desperation because of any reason is not good.  It only brings more trouble than we bargain for.  I remember crying out to God one day and asking Him for an answer, He said, "Hang on a bit more, you're breakthrough is coming!"  It was so relieving to know that He wasn't mad with me for thinking such thoughts.  He understood and He was right beside me helping me fight.  I thought He was so distant because I couldn't hear Him at times but He was in fact closer than before.  As a true gentleman, he waited until I called out to him and came to rescue me in love.

"Why are you so downcast, oh my soul? And why are you so disquieted within me? Hope in God. For I shall yet praise Him.  The help of my countenance and my God" Psalms 42:11

Jun 5, 2012

Camp Life

Living in Zambia, we are surrounded with missionary groups and organizations who come here to show the love of God to a people who often times have lost all hope for their future.  We are privilaged at times to join in with such groups and do something a little different than our daily routine while still showing God's love to the people.  Last week was such a time.  The children were invited to be counselors at a summer camp.  This organization, called  Family Legacy,  brings vulnerable children from the compounds into a secure area for a week long camp experience.  They sing songs, do skits, preach the gospel, play games, etc...  The children are divided into groups of 8-10 and are assigned to an American counselor and two Zambian counselors.  The children and I were so thrilled when we got the invitation to be part of their mini camp which was three days.  Gem and Amber each had a group of 8 -11 and 5-7 year old boys.  Simeon joined a leader for a group his age, while Salome and I led a group of tween girls.  It was amazing!!  The girls LOVED being with the boys and singing and playing with them.  Salome was the center of attention in our group as the girls were fascinated by her.  Simeon also thoroughly enjoyed his group.  They all had so much fun, they want to do it again.  The best part of it for me was to watch them enjoy the teaching on "The Armor of God."  They came home putting it on repeatedly and stomping on the devil!!  I love to see the way God choses to encourage me in these small ways.

Salome and Simeon singing in worship

Salome playing tug of war!

Amber with her group waiting to go into  the worship hall

 Gem giving out coloring sheets to her group

The children worship to "Our God"

Coloring Time

Jun 4, 2012

The Jacaranda Tree

As June begins, Zambia’s cold and dry season also starts and added to it are strong winds that kick up mounds and mounds of dust and dirt.  I am reminded as I write this of the Jacaranda tree that spends most of the year without blooming or giving any signs that life is there other than the dreary leaves and trunk that sits in the ground.  At the peak of the dry season are the two hot months September and October.  This is just before the rains start falling again in November.  During this very dry and hot time, the Jacaranda tree puts forth some of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen, majestic purples and crimson reds.  Streets that are lined with these trees are breathtaking to travel upon.
The other day as I was out paying a visit to some of the boys that still sleep in the culverts of the street in a certain part of town, I was surprise to see them standing in a group talking to someone.  Before I continue, I have to say that the work at KCF is at times like the Jacaranda tree: there seems to be no life, we question a lot if we are having any affect in the lives of those we minister to and will any of them fully accept the call of Christ to minister his grace to their friends.  We labor in tears, casting forth seeds, watering and I have to tell you to see boys leave is probably the toughest part to this work.  That night, the boys were standing and listening to Chembe, one of the older boys who now lives independently, working and is still concerned about the things of God.  He wasn’t inhaling sticker, he wasn’t smoking, he was clean and he was speaking life to friends living a life style he was not too removed from.  The Jacaranda tree began blooming in my soul and before my very eyes.  I am so grateful to God for encouraging me like this, my soul needed it.
About two weeks ago while Pastor was driving pass one of the shopping malls near town, he saw a little boy sleeping on a median near the traffic light.  It was a considerably cold night and the boy had removed his shirt to try and cover his whole body – shivering.  The boys were brought to KCF and they quickly realized that the team will follow up on their story:  where they live, their parents and where they last stayed.  It wasn’t two days before they were found trying to head back into town.  Upon returning to the farm they were told that they would be taken to the village they said they were brought to Lusaka from.  Little did anyone know that they had come up with a plan to steal away when brought to church on Sunday and steal away they did.  There names are Andrew and Samson.

May 19, 2012

A Visit to the Village

A few weeks ago our family had the opportunity to escort one of our boys to his home in the village.  It was an experience we'll cherish forever.  We headed to the bush in the late morning and arrived at Chisamba about two and a half hours later.

This boy had left his home one day with a cousin to shop.  The cousin enticed him to jump on the train headed to Lusaka to buy shoes.  Somehow, the boy got lost but the cousin returned home.  Because of not knowing anyone in the city our boy was forced to join the others on the street.  Miraculously, he was found a couple of days later by the Rivers of Joy outreach team who then took him to KCF, the farm.  It was so awesome to see his family so excited to see him again.  They had searched up and down and around the village for him.  They even went searching in a nearby river for his body because they thought he had drowned.  God is a miracle working God who truly takes care of his children.

The children enjoyed teaching the village children how to make a craft as well as joined them in a game of football.

Please continue to pray for the KCF boys as some like this one are still needing a sense of belonging that comes only from family.  Pray that our hearts will stay sensitive to their need and God would continue to expand our hearts to showing them Jesus with skin on.  We often refer to these boys as "our" boys, not because they belong to us but because we truly love them as our own.  Pray that God's love will continue to cover us and flow through us to these boys.

Apr 30, 2012

Homeschool Camp

 Amber visiting with ducks!

 Gem with "The Green Guavas" awaiting prizes

Amber, Sasa and Simi petting a calf that is trying to rest...

Sasa willingly holds a piglet...  Simi is not so sure about the whole thing!

Our family was back in time to participate on a homeschool co-op camp where they did sports, performing arts, educational tours, sharing sessions and spending time meeting and making new friends.  The Green Guavas team with Genesis came away with the overall team grand prize of tons of chocolate.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the two night away from home and school spent in the outdoors tirelessly playing games and enjoying their friends.  They look forward to another such God given opportunity. 

Ireland visits Zambia

This past month, we spent ten days with a work team from Downy Brook Church including Pastor Nick Cassidy.  The team outfitted a prefabrication house built on the KCF campus for teams and guest pastors.  Tirelessly they worked, praising God and sneaking times to just visit and be with the boys.  They also conducted outreach at the KCF campus for children in the community, did a night outreach to the boys and girls living on the streets and lead the children and youth services at Rivers of Joy Fellowship.  They left tired, but the fruit of their labor lives on in the lives of those they touched and at the new home.  for this, we give God all the praise!!

Apr 27, 2012

Celebrating Gem!!


 Our precious Gem turned 11 this month and we are delighted to share this next phase in the life of a true princess!!  She is amazing in our family and with joy, we celebrate her!  We love you Gem!!

Part of the celebration included a pedicure with one of her friends!


 Ephesian 6:15 says, "and having shod your peace with the preparation of the gospel of peace."
Our prayer is that she would always stand firm in the gospel of Jesus and bring peace wherever she goes.

Apr 2, 2012

Creative, Critical & Logical Thinking

 Today marks the first day of school for the Carr children since our return from the states.  
Everyone began with reviewing several subjects that got interrupted for the readjusting to Zambia.  Dad began work with Simeon on his critical, logical and creative thinking skills.  After several hundred bouts of yawning, two breaks and an unrelenting father he completed the puzzle.  Puzzles unlocks learning for Simeon and as his efforts materializes into a finished product, you can see the gratification all over his face.  He is about to take it to the girls with his cursive writing.
As he officially begins school this year, we will chronical his progress as we have yet another learning type to teach with all four.

Mar 31, 2012

Back at the Wheel!

It was an amazing six and a half months in the States.  We truly enjoyed our visits with all of you.  Your faces and prayers truly brightend our stay.  The long 25 hour trip home was very uneventful.  The bags all got checked in and the children and parents were at their best behavior!  We were so excited to be on the plane back to see the boys, our new family in Zambia, our friends and of course our dogs.

Some of our friends met us at the airport and others made their way to our house to drop us a meal.  We are so blessed and greatful to God for them.  It has been a strangely easy week as far as adjusting to life and the time difference is concerned.  It really feels as if we never left.  We know that for this season, this is where we belong.

Our first order of affairs once we landed was to go and see our boys at "the farm".  We call the Kakabalika house here "the farm."  It was so great to see them and spend time with them.  They have grown so much!  We then headed over to the mall.  Warren wanted us to stay up all day so that we could sleep at night.  As gruelsome as it was, we made it.  Praise God!

We also went out one night to visit our other boys on the street.  A tradition we made as a family a while ago.  Oh, how our hearts break everytime we see them out there.  It's always bad to see these precious lives on the streets of Lusaka.  It is especially hard to see the ones who were once at the farm go back to the same old thing.  Proverb 26:11 speaks the truth when it says, "As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." But we believe God is able to turn it all around.  Please keep praying with us for the stronghold of self and addiction to break  in their lives.

It was so very sad to hear one of these boys talk to us about getting a sponsor for a music school.  This boy was told by some famous singer that he could sing.  All he needs is a sponsor to foot the cost.  So, of course, Warren said to him, "Let me hear you sing."  The boy then proceeded to rap/talk, all the while we're looking at each other thinking he's translating the song he's about to sing.  No, he then said, "So, Uncle, I'm done!"  Warren as gently as he could told him, "that was not really singing... It was more like rapping, really talking"  This poor boy was so sure he could sing because someone told him so.  Now, I do think it's good to help people out with their dreams.  Isn't that what the Bible says, "Without a vision, the people perish?"  But, I got so mad because he was taken advantage of in my view because he's holding on to this lie.  The Bible says in Proverbs 26:28b, "...a flattering mouth works ruin."  I feel it would be better to tell the truth in love as opposed to letting others believe and try to run after some lie that's going to get them disappointed and maybe even mad at God in the end.  I may be totally off, but this is just my personal opinion.

As hard as it may be to balance between flattery and telling the truth in love.  I do pray that God will give us the wisdom to do the right thing when the situation arises.