Jun 5, 2012

Camp Life

Living in Zambia, we are surrounded with missionary groups and organizations who come here to show the love of God to a people who often times have lost all hope for their future.  We are privilaged at times to join in with such groups and do something a little different than our daily routine while still showing God's love to the people.  Last week was such a time.  The children were invited to be counselors at a summer camp.  This organization, called  Family Legacy,  brings vulnerable children from the compounds into a secure area for a week long camp experience.  They sing songs, do skits, preach the gospel, play games, etc...  The children are divided into groups of 8-10 and are assigned to an American counselor and two Zambian counselors.  The children and I were so thrilled when we got the invitation to be part of their mini camp which was three days.  Gem and Amber each had a group of 8 -11 and 5-7 year old boys.  Simeon joined a leader for a group his age, while Salome and I led a group of tween girls.  It was amazing!!  The girls LOVED being with the boys and singing and playing with them.  Salome was the center of attention in our group as the girls were fascinated by her.  Simeon also thoroughly enjoyed his group.  They all had so much fun, they want to do it again.  The best part of it for me was to watch them enjoy the teaching on "The Armor of God."  They came home putting it on repeatedly and stomping on the devil!!  I love to see the way God choses to encourage me in these small ways.

Salome and Simeon singing in worship

Salome playing tug of war!

Amber with her group waiting to go into  the worship hall

 Gem giving out coloring sheets to her group

The children worship to "Our God"

Coloring Time

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