Jan 6, 2012


Happy New Year Everyone!!!
It was great to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas in the States. The cold, crisp weather, the holiday decorations and fantastic food were a few things we enjoyed. Of course being with family did top the experience. We feel so blessed by God words cannot express our gratitude. Since being back in September, we've enjoyed sleeping in, dare I say till sometimes 10am!! We thought our bodies were no longer capable of the task, but with a little help they submitted. We have visited with some of you, and have also enjoyed going to the different churches many of you now attend.
We are so honored that God would call us to do His work in such a time as this. Times Square Church has grown so much and so many of you have also decided to allow your tent pegs to be pulled up and moved to a new place of ministry.  We see what God is doing now and can only remember the prayer Jabez prayed, "God that you would enlarge my territory". We encourage you all to go forward and follow God's leading in your lives and see Him raise you as a radical remnant in these last days.

The above picture was taken at Pike's Peak, one of the tallest mountains in the Colorado Springs area.  It was at this mountain that the famous phrase in the song "America the Beautiful" was written.  "Of purple mountain majesty, above the fruited plain..."  When looking at the Rockies from afar you can almost see a purple glow on them.  Our prayer for this year is that we experience a radical lifting of our spirit to meet Jesus like never before.  We pray that as we do this the people of the earth would see Jesus alone as a purple glow around us!!!

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