Jun 11, 2014


The experience we had this past week was incredible.  The theme for this year is “Faith that can move mountains.”  It takes nothing but faith to wake up every morning and face the day.  It takes nothing but faith to look into the faces of the children that come to camp and believe that every situation they face will somehow, someway, someday turn out for their good.  It takes nothing but faith to listen to their stories and be still until God Himself moves their mountains.  Faith kept us from doing things in our own recharged us to believe that the crazy cycle of poverty and no education will someday end and we will see a better Zambia.  Faith makes us believe that the children we saw this week and will see in the next six weeks will be the future Zambia. Not a future like their parents faced where they could not get a good job because they never went to school.  They cannot go to school because they do not have the money for the school fees.  This cycle of “no money-no school-no school-no job- no job- no money... and on and on it goes.  But with faith we can believe that it will end in Jesus’ name.

Simeon and  I had the privilege of working with a group of sponsored children.  It was great to hear them speak proper English and know that God is their provider and that He is their father.  Genesis and Amber each had group of girls that were not all sponsored for school.  They shared their groups with friends and they all had a wonderful week.  They came back excited once again for the work we are involved in.  They also are praying and believing God for the little girls they met at camp.  They played with them, talked with them.  They brought their hoola hoop and nail polish and allowed them to experience something different than they are used to.  They had fun!

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