"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to His power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen" Eph.3:20,21
This verse has hit me like a ton of bricks this week. The idea that God is not just able to do more that I can ask or imagine but willing to do it is mind boggling. Like many times before I am faced with truth that I have not really embraced in my walk. I am sometimes like a rollercoaster, I go up and down in my relationship with the Lord and my spirituality. I hold God in my minute mind and think He fits my mold. He is able to do more. What does that really mean?
The truth. I have no idea. My mind can't understand it. I don't REALLY know what this small yet powerful word means. God is able to do more. Do I believe it? Do I receive it? Do I really understand that the God of the universe, the One who made all creation, the star breather, can do more in my life, in my children's lives, in the lives of those we serve?
Day after day we are faced with the lives of children who in this society's eyes, are the very least. They are the bottom of the crop. Most of them have one or no parents at all. They have been abused and misused and yet God hears their silent cry for help and says, "Enough, I will do more in them." I will do more for a girl who has no parents and was thrown outside to fend for herself and left desolate. She encountered an opportunity one day that will change her life for ever. Even though she came to camp and was encouraged that there is a different road to walk. She was still going back to pain, until one day she was kicked out of her the house. She walked the 3 miles to the Tree of Life and found a real home. God did more for her!
God is also doing more for a boy who had no hope and no future because HIV had ravaged thru his body and now medicine fails time and time again. God himself is keeping him alive because God is able to do more.
He is also doing more for me than I could ever imagine, all I knew growing up was that I wanted to do missions. Never in my wildest dream did I think I would live in Africa with four children and a husband! Never did I imagine that I would love over 650 children so much. God can do more in me and He is not even done. He is going to do more in me and in YOU. He has no favorites he wants to do more for us all the same way.
What are your dreams? what are your desires? What do you want God to do in your life?
God can do that and more.
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