Nov 10, 2011

We are just about one month back from our debrief and vacation in Colorado Springs and what a wonderful time it was.
The Debriefing sessions at Missions Training International taught us a lot about ourselves and gave us permission to be tired and exhausted. They pampered us, took care of the children for a week, listened to us as we relived our missionary experiences in our group and individual sessions.
Not having gone through this course in preparation to go onto the field, I would recommend it to individuals who are thinking on going full-time work in another country and culture. The one aspect that became clear to Vicky and me is that we are not alone and to think that our experiences were also not unique was also a relief. Nonetheless, as missionaries we were not allowed to story steal and in croach on anyone-elses experience because their experience is their experience.
The children also had a great time and like going to the field, they finally were with kids that were alot like them in so many ways. Missionary children are just different; they started out as 'O' in their birth country and moved to another country that turned them into triangles, never again to become an 'O'. So the children they were with was as if they were lost brothers and sisters and have become reunited through MTI. The bond between them was for real and it really hurt for them to be separated from their new found friends who truly identified with them.
We are back in New Jersey and first on the list is figuring out the deficits we will have to make up from partners that for financial reasons could not continue financially supporting our family. We have a few meetings we will share at of people who planning fellowship dinners and also some local churches in the area. Hopefully, we would be able to raise an additional $2000.00 per month. The process will begin with the next newsletter and also with fellowship fundraisers. Has been and will continue to be faithful, we fully trust Him.
Our family will also after four years will be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and friends and the children are really looking forward to that. So far they have been blessed to be in two snow storms already and looking forward to a white Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. At the rate things are going it just may happen on all three holidays.
That's all for now we will check in next month, but here are some ways to pray for our family.
* Complete rest and relaxation for our tired bodies
* Creative ways to minister to our unsaved families
* Continued financial support partners
* God's grace and provision for some traveling that needs to happen before we leave
* God's magnificent and powerful presence in every area of our adopted country and ministry
* To be able to ship four new tires and bicycles on our friends container that's leaving in 2 weeks
Warren and Victoria Carr & family