Jul 11, 2013

So Faithful, So Constant

Think of a number from one to ten. Add seven. Multiply by two. Subtract four. Divide by two. Subtract the number first thought of. 
Is your answer five?

It doesn’t matter what number you choose, you will realize that your answer will always be five. Go ahead, try it.  God spoke to me as I was doing this exercise with my family the other day.  He said, “I am always faithful, no matter what happens, what trials come your way.”  So it doesn’t matter how I feel certain days, He is there for me.  It does not matter whether I feel him or not; whether I see Him or not.  He is for me and for my family.  Just like the answer to the problem above will always be five, the number for grace, His grace will be sufficient for me to see me and see you thru each day.

Luke 18:1 says, “And He told them a parable to the effect that they should always pray and not lose heart.”  Jesus told them the parable of the persistent widow and how she kept going to the judge and every time she would plead for her release, the answer was NO. It never stopped her though, she kept going back until one day, she got on his nerves and he gave her what she needed. 

I was encouraged because although I have been praying for things and it seems as if nothing is happening, I must never lose heart and stop praying.  One day, God will answer and deliver and save!  I have to continue and persevere and never give up!

The answer is always five, the number for grace.  He will give me grace to pray one more day… Every day, one day at a time.

Jul 8, 2013


It is night-time and everyone is asleep.  The compound is quiet.  A few dogs are barking and some music is still playing at the nearby bar.  Some folks are drinking and partying although it’s the middle of the week. A small girl is in bed, she tosses and turns as once again, her father appears in her dream.  He comes and she stirs but does not wake, he gives her instructions and then disappears but not without warning her not to ever speak of his visits to anyone. Some nights it’s not her father who appears but her grandmother who lives on the other side of town. She does not give her instructions but takes her to a faraway village.  A place where there is a meeting going on.  It is at that meeting where the elders take her blood. She wakes every morning dazed.  There is no joy in her eyes, she goes outside and sees them.  The men sent to watch her.  She notices one day though that she is the only one able to see them.  This is no ordinary story; it is the life of a little girl I met at camp.   

Our family participated in CampLife the second week in June and it was an amazing experience! After being in Zambia for more than 5 years, working with children that have been abused, forsaken and forgotten, I felt like I had this under control. We have seen so much, what’s one more story, one more child?  Every life story is unbelievably painful to hear and without the grace of God, we would not have made it one day, let alone the entire week. 

It is very common for children to have nightmares due to witchcraft, either in their immediate family or a neighbor who lives nearby.  This has been so shocking to me, that every single one of the ten girls in my group had nightmares due to witchcraft.  I have done what I know to do best, pray.  I’ve prayed for the girls to be delivered from the spirit of deception and divination.  Conversely, the worship experience left me speechless every time.  To see 800+ children worship and dance was more than my heart could take, many times all I could do was cry.  The Bible says “…at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord…”  That is exactly what happens at camp and in three weeks when it ends more than 7000 children will have come for a weeklong time away with God.

The children who come are from all around Lusaka, some are orphans who are unwanted by even their relatives.  Others have been physically, emotionally and verbally abused.  They come not really knowing what to expect but when they encounter their creator, all the pain and hurt disappears for just those few moments and they are free.  For the first time in a long time, they are free to dance, free to run, free to sing, and all of it they do with a joy that comes from their “Papa God O”.  Their Father holds those things that have hurt them for so long at bay so that His children can receive the hope that was meant for them since the beginning of time. 
The week of camp was life changing for us as a family.  Words cannot describe the impact it has had on us, especially the children.