Apr 21, 2014

Resurrection Day!

An amazing day to remember that our Jesus died, but most importantly, He rose! 

Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies. And whoever lives and believes will never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:26,26 NIV

We went to Tree of Life(TOL) church as it was Warren's turn to preach. As we stood there and sang and worshipped it was amazing to see the freedom the children had as the worshipped and danced. Easter took on a new meaning to me. You see, as the verse above states whoever believes in Him, even though he dies, he will live. There were about three hundred children plus Moms who had seen death and are now alive. They have known death in their families, as they had bury a mother, father, grandmother, or other close relative. The have experienced death in their childhood when they were abused, physically, emotionally or mentally. The have experienced death to any dream about their future because education had been denied. Death was indeed all around but God showed up and they believed and because it was His plan from the beginning of time that whoever died will live, they are now alive. 
Jesus came and spoke life into their brokenness and pain and they now rejoice. They led in worship and sang songs of heaven and going to a home where there will be no pain or dying. It was an amazing day to celebrate Jesus' resurrection because we see it now it in so many lives. 

What a mighty God we serve! I can't wait for CampLife to see even more freedom and resurrection! 

Apr 6, 2014

Low tide, high tide

We arrive in Zanzibar and the beach is beautiful. The children are having a great time swimming and playing and searching for sea treasures. We notice that as the morning progresses, the water is getting lower and the sand is becoming more visible. Before we know it, the water is literally about two miles out into the sea. Low Tide. This will last for about four hours and the the tide will come back in. High tide.

As I was meditating on the scriptures, God spoke to me and said that our lives are like that. There are seasons were troubles and circumstances overwhelm us and there is a dryness all around. Although it seems impossible to fathom that there was once water, which in this case signifies abundance or peace around us, we have to remember that there is a time and season for everything under heaven. The dryness, problems, trials or situations that are around us at times will not be there forever. The tide does comes in again, abundance, peace and joy do come in again. God is faithful and just and He will see us thru the good days as well as the bad days. This amazing trip is showing me that as I remember days not long ago that trials wanted to overwhelm my thoughts, God in His mercy and goodness was and remains faithful.