May 19, 2012

A Visit to the Village

A few weeks ago our family had the opportunity to escort one of our boys to his home in the village.  It was an experience we'll cherish forever.  We headed to the bush in the late morning and arrived at Chisamba about two and a half hours later.

This boy had left his home one day with a cousin to shop.  The cousin enticed him to jump on the train headed to Lusaka to buy shoes.  Somehow, the boy got lost but the cousin returned home.  Because of not knowing anyone in the city our boy was forced to join the others on the street.  Miraculously, he was found a couple of days later by the Rivers of Joy outreach team who then took him to KCF, the farm.  It was so awesome to see his family so excited to see him again.  They had searched up and down and around the village for him.  They even went searching in a nearby river for his body because they thought he had drowned.  God is a miracle working God who truly takes care of his children.

The children enjoyed teaching the village children how to make a craft as well as joined them in a game of football.

Please continue to pray for the KCF boys as some like this one are still needing a sense of belonging that comes only from family.  Pray that our hearts will stay sensitive to their need and God would continue to expand our hearts to showing them Jesus with skin on.  We often refer to these boys as "our" boys, not because they belong to us but because we truly love them as our own.  Pray that God's love will continue to cover us and flow through us to these boys.